
Skylight is an architectural house enabling world-class experience in providing complete design solutions from master planning to architecture and designing of interior themes. We are the specialists in transforming plain plots into marvelous aesthetic destinations whether it is a house or a commercial arcade. More than stones and bricks, our creations are the paramount testimonials of creative concepts.

  • Orris Tower, 3rd floor, Opp.HiLite Mall, Kozhikode
  • +91 9526149991
  • +91 9526149991
  • info@skylightarchitects.com

Architecture Design

Our architect follow the trends of world best Architectural concept.

Architecture design is the art and science of creating and conceptualizing the physical structures and spaces that make up our built environment. It involves the creative and technical process of designing buildings, landscapes, and urban areas with careful consideration of aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the needs of the people who will inhabit or use the spaces.


Architecture design is the art and science of creating and conceptualizing the physical structures and spaces that make up our built environment. It involves the creative and technical process of designing buildings, landscapes, and urban areas with careful consideration of aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the needs of the people who will inhabit or use the spaces.


Architectural design spans a wide range of projects, from small residential homes and commercial buildings to large-scale developments, public institutions, and infrastructure. It plays a crucial role in shaping the character of cities and the experiences of their inhabitants. Successful architecture design balances artistic expression with practicality, creating structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, sustainable, and supportive of the well-being of the people who interact with them.


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